
Blessed mamma Rosa

The Blessed Eurosia Fabris Barban (1866-1932), the fi rst person to be beatifi ed outside Rome during the pontifi cate of Benedict XVI, which event took place in Vicenza on 6th November 2005.

The book tells the story of the simple, humble life of a woman of the common people, who dedicated herself totally and heroically to her love for her family.

She had nine children, of whom three became priests, and also welcomed another three into her family as adopted children.

Profoundly at one with Christ, in an intense Christian existence forged by prayer and charity, she opened up her pure and gentle heart, making her own life and that of whoever met her full of happiness and unshakeable joy in Divine Providence. Eurosia, which means in Greek ‘of a sound bodily constitution and inner character’ had a particular devotion to the Holy Spirit, was drawn to Eucharist Adoration, put her trust always in the help of Our Lady who never fails and constantly prayed for souls waiting to be called to eternal glorifi cation.

She understood that to live a Christian life was both the simplest and the most beautiful choice that anyone could make, a choice of ‘peace and goodwill’.

A seamstress and catechist in her own parish of Marola (Vicenza), she enriched her own natural beauty with that which came from her Christian way of life, following faithfully the Rule of the Franciscan tertiaries, and having the gift of inner dialogue with Jesus himself.

‘Mother Rosa’ as she is known amongst the simple and humble people of the diocese of Vicenza, in Italy and in the United States, has heard the prayers of many of the faithful, above all those of young wives, not only interceding for them with the gift of maternity but also favouring adoptions and helping young seminarians in diffi culty, encouraging them to follow their vocation and actively supporting their families.

Bernardino (Angelo Matteo) Barban (1897-1980), Franciscan friar of the Venetian province of Friars Minor, Doctorate in Dogmatic and Moral Theology, is the author of this biography which has reached its seventh edition and is now available in an English translation (20067). For many years Professor of Theology at Vicenza, in 1943 he was nominated General Commissar of the Franciscan Third Order and from 1947 to 1951 served as Visitator General of the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception (USA).

At Assisi, in the province of Perugia, he founded the Franciscan “Cenacolo” and the “International Christological Centre”. In addition to publishing numerous historical and hagiographical studies, in 1975 he had the joy and honour of being the fi rst witness to be examined in the diocesan process begun in Padua for the cause for the beatifi cation of his beloved “Mamma Rosa”.

Gianluigi Pasquale holds an SThD from the “Pontifi cia Università Gregoriana” in Rome and a PhD in Philosophy from Venice’s “Ca’ Foscari” University.

After teaching for two years at the “Pontifi cia Università Gregoriana” (1999-2001), he is now Professor of Fundamental Theology at the “Lateranense” University in Rome and the “Studium Generale Marcianum” in Venice, as well as Dogmatic Theology at the “Laurentianum”, the Capuchin Theological Studium in Venice, which he was also President of (2001-2010).

He is a scholar of Padre Pio, whose books have been published into eighteen languages, and he has written a number of philosophical and theological books, including La teologia della storia della salvezza nel secolo XX (2002, Croatian translation 2011).

If anyone has received miracles or graces through the intercession of “Blessed Mamma Rosa”, write an

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